Austin, Texas Dispatch:
We write to you from the Drury Inn in Austin, Texas, and what a fabulously Drury Inn it is! We checked into our hotel yesterday and were immediately greeted by Chris at the counter who promptly asked Robin what branch of government she worked for. Robin, happy to play along, said, "No questions and if you tell anyone you've seen me here, I'll kill you in your sleep like Hillary did to Vince Foster." (Robin decided that was just likely to be believed in this Republic.)

But Chris was a mensch, and even after discovering that Robin wasn't a Fed, he still gave us the government rate. Had I known government workers got discounts at chain motels in the great American South, I might have thought more seriously about becoming a public servant. The Inn's been excellent--we have a view of the pool, Interstate 35 North and Route 183--and we didn't have to go to the Fudrucker's next door this morning because Drury serves a complimentary hot egg breakfast!
But that's to say nothing of the reason we came to Austin -- our book reading at the Barnes and Noble here. Okay, now that we've mentioned that, we can talk about the amazingly fun people of Austin, like our fab. tour guides and friends, Dallas & Jeff who shuttled us two out-of-towners around their fair city. They took us to a swimmin' hole, the Hula Hut (where we drank margaritas--and that might merit an extra "s" to indicate the plurality--and a Hul-la-la, a drink that came in a fish bowl and was adorned with 4 cherries and some pineapple slices.) Another friend from New York, Trevor, showed up to the reading and since he'd lived in Austin for a while, he showed us the nightlife of the town. And let's just say, though the people of Austin might be slow to the dance floor, once they see some spirited NYers dancing... they're quick to flee to one of the other many bars in the area.
We glossed over the pit stop at the hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop in Dallas's neighborhood, Hyde Park, where they served the best little veggie sandwich in Texas, and we shouldn't forget to mention the not infrequent laughs we had ysterday related to:
1) car seats so fr*ggin hot they cook your fanny
2) a deluge so insanely biblical that Robin and Renee had to wade to their car. literally.
3) the fact that this deluge took place 15 minutes before our reading
4) the fact that this reading remains memorable for our totally super bestest crowd yet
Okay, we've gotta go -- we're off to Houston now and will be doing a reading for Princeton alums tonight!
-Robin & Renee
We write to you from the Drury Inn in Austin, Texas, and what a fabulously Drury Inn it is! We checked into our hotel yesterday and were immediately greeted by Chris at the counter who promptly asked Robin what branch of government she worked for. Robin, happy to play along, said, "No questions and if you tell anyone you've seen me here, I'll kill you in your sleep like Hillary did to Vince Foster." (Robin decided that was just likely to be believed in this Republic.)

But Chris was a mensch, and even after discovering that Robin wasn't a Fed, he still gave us the government rate. Had I known government workers got discounts at chain motels in the great American South, I might have thought more seriously about becoming a public servant. The Inn's been excellent--we have a view of the pool, Interstate 35 North and Route 183--and we didn't have to go to the Fudrucker's next door this morning because Drury serves a complimentary hot egg breakfast!
But that's to say nothing of the reason we came to Austin -- our book reading at the Barnes and Noble here. Okay, now that we've mentioned that, we can talk about the amazingly fun people of Austin, like our fab. tour guides and friends, Dallas & Jeff who shuttled us two out-of-towners around their fair city. They took us to a swimmin' hole, the Hula Hut (where we drank margaritas--and that might merit an extra "s" to indicate the plurality--and a Hul-la-la, a drink that came in a fish bowl and was adorned with 4 cherries and some pineapple slices.) Another friend from New York, Trevor, showed up to the reading and since he'd lived in Austin for a while, he showed us the nightlife of the town. And let's just say, though the people of Austin might be slow to the dance floor, once they see some spirited NYers dancing... they're quick to flee to one of the other many bars in the area.
We glossed over the pit stop at the hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop in Dallas's neighborhood, Hyde Park, where they served the best little veggie sandwich in Texas, and we shouldn't forget to mention the not infrequent laughs we had ysterday related to:
1) car seats so fr*ggin hot they cook your fanny
2) a deluge so insanely biblical that Robin and Renee had to wade to their car. literally.
3) the fact that this deluge took place 15 minutes before our reading
4) the fact that this reading remains memorable for our totally super bestest crowd yet
Okay, we've gotta go -- we're off to Houston now and will be doing a reading for Princeton alums tonight!
-Robin & Renee
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