This American Life
I'm not just saying that listening to the amazing radio program, This American Life, is one of the best uses of an hour you're likely to spend in a week merely because I have a crush on Ira Glass. I'm not just saying the show provides some of the most compelling storytelling you're likely to find in any medium merely because I've done some work for the program, either. And I'm not just hopping on the NYTIMES bandwagon because they ran a big piece on the show this weekend and I got nothing else (Close Your Eyes and It's Almost Like Radio)
(That's Alex Blumberg's backside in the camel colored coat!)
I'm saying it because I genuinely believe TAL consistently provides extraordinarily high quality, well-produced, interesting, touching, funny & oddball stories you're unlikely to find anywhere else, and you'll thank me for turning you onto it if you're not already a listener.
Okay, that said...
I should also admit I was actually on the show this past weekend. I was part of a piece produced by Alex Blumberg concerning childhood mythologies (erroneous beliefs that you held as a child that you never learned were incorrect until adulthood... make that a very embarrassing moment in adulthood.) I'm only on for like a minute but I was quite happy to be part of the story... even if it meant confessing in a public arena that until this very embarrassing moment in my adulthood perhaps I was a bit of the oddball myself. Who knew? Stop laughing...

I'm saying it because I genuinely believe TAL consistently provides extraordinarily high quality, well-produced, interesting, touching, funny & oddball stories you're unlikely to find anywhere else, and you'll thank me for turning you onto it if you're not already a listener.
Okay, that said...
I should also admit I was actually on the show this past weekend. I was part of a piece produced by Alex Blumberg concerning childhood mythologies (erroneous beliefs that you held as a child that you never learned were incorrect until adulthood... make that a very embarrassing moment in adulthood.) I'm only on for like a minute but I was quite happy to be part of the story... even if it meant confessing in a public arena that until this very embarrassing moment in my adulthood perhaps I was a bit of the oddball myself. Who knew? Stop laughing...
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ninest123 16.03
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