Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!

Don't have plans yet for the big night? No worries, R&R r here to help (assuming you're located near us). Based on your tolerance for loud noises, large crowds, cold weather, your demeanor when unable to catch a cab, your physical condition, your ability to smile through the blisters, lecherous advances, drunken revelers, the stench of vomit, the feeling that you're being price gouged and your ability to dance to the worst song of 2005, we've come up with a few ideas for you to celebrate this most enjoyable night of the year!

Midnight Run in Central Park - No, seriously, some people really do this.

JIVAMUKTI 17TH ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION - Apparently people do this, too. Here's what their website promises: Jivamukti opens its doors to provide a yogic place of refuge for all. Mauna, the yogic practice of silence, (yes that's right: no talking) will be observed from 9:00pm-12:00am. All the practice rooms will be open and available to provide a space for individual reflection on this special evening. At midnight we will break the silence with chanting and elevated messages lead by Sharon Gannon, David Life, Kristina Pao Cheng and David Gluck. The Famous Jivamukti News Years Eve Yummy Vegan Chai will be served, along with assorted vegan snacks. (Ed: we assume "yummy vegan chai" means grain alcohol)

New Years Eve on the Water - No kidding, the name of this cruise ship company is "Affairs Afloat," and really, what better way to ring in the new year than sea sick and poised to wind up on Gilligan's Island when the three hour cruise goes horribly awry.

My friend Jann's party - He's thrown this gargantuan party at rotating big club venues for the past 10 years. He manages to make all his income for the year to come on this one night, that's all I'm saying.

Times Square, baby - I've done this. Stop snickering. It was fun. At least that's what I'm told.

But whatever you end up doing on this most unholy of hyped nights, we wish you a wonderful, happy and healthy 2006! We'll see you on the other side...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year R&R!

December 31, 2005 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the silly side: Yappy Hew Near :-)

January 02, 2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

Right back atcha, Ali!

And Bight Ack Ratcha, The Noon!

January 02, 2006 9:57 AM  
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