Oh, Happy Day!
Sometimes when an accomplishment is so big, so impressive, so exhaustive and so amazing, it's hard to know how to celebrate it properly. In fact, whenever I've completed something that could be considered “mighty, mighty,” which happens approx. once every ten years (I know, you’re saying to yourself, “but Robin, you’re only 19, so how can you even know this? Well, I’m smart, okay, so just leave it alone) I tend to do an Ashlee Simpsonesque jig of happiness around my apartment then fall dead asleep for anywhere between two and twenty-four hours. Not particularly glamorous, but that’s what happens.
However, when my friends do something tremendously cool and of great note, I first like to crack open a bottle of hooch to toast them, then I like to tell everyone else I see how utterly impressive my friend is and I begin launching into the nature of their particular achievement until the person I’ve accosted runs away screaming.
Well, today happens to be such a day! You see my friend Joshua Bell
(no, not the musician, my friend Josh is the IMPRESSIVE one), who also happens to be an incredibly wise man for asking my dear friend, Dr. Marlorie Stinfil, to marry him (which might be why he looks so chuffed in this photo), handed in his dissertation today! See, impressive, I told you. And get this: he wrote it on materiality and social transformation in the Purari Delta in Papua New Guinea. Who even knows what that means? Who even knew Papua New Guinea was a real place? (Seems like the name out of a Maurice Sendak book, no?) Well, the answer is: my soon to be doctor friend, Joshua A. Bell, professor at the University of East Anglia, outside London.
Unfortunately due to Josh’s current location across the pond, I can’t clink glasses with him, but be assured that I’ve already twisted off the cap to my Boone’s Apple Wine and am slurping some in his honor right now. But I do want to give my (and Marlorie’s) boy HUGE props for this great achievement. I’m very proud of him!
And if any of you have accomplishments you’d like announced to the billions and billions of people we serve on this site, drop us a line cause we’re always happy to promote the genius of our readers.
However, when my friends do something tremendously cool and of great note, I first like to crack open a bottle of hooch to toast them, then I like to tell everyone else I see how utterly impressive my friend is and I begin launching into the nature of their particular achievement until the person I’ve accosted runs away screaming.
Well, today happens to be such a day! You see my friend Joshua Bell

Unfortunately due to Josh’s current location across the pond, I can’t clink glasses with him, but be assured that I’ve already twisted off the cap to my Boone’s Apple Wine and am slurping some in his honor right now. But I do want to give my (and Marlorie’s) boy HUGE props for this great achievement. I’m very proud of him!
And if any of you have accomplishments you’d like announced to the billions and billions of people we serve on this site, drop us a line cause we’re always happy to promote the genius of our readers.
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