Simple Pleasures
I took the plunge. Yes, after a decade of dithering, going back and forth about whether it was really something I wanted or needed, I finally said, yes, dammit! I'm going to take this step to improve the quatlity of my life. So I went ahead and did it.
I purchased the HT700X 7 sheet crosscut paper shredder.
And when the UPS man arrived with my little bundle of joy yesterday, I spent the rest of the afternoon in a blissful state of shreddom. I first started feeding my little shredder financial documents (i.e., BILL OVERDUE notices & Student Loan repayment stubs). For its second feeding, I thrashed through piles of rejected manuscripts. Feeding number three saw the demise of other people's work. It was beyond carthartic, it was, I'm telling you, addictive. (And, to that end slightly scary since despite the big sticker on the front of the machine showing a big red slash mark through a man feeding his tie into the blades, I was tempted by the image nonetheless.)
In fact I had so much fun shredding documents, it makes me think I've missed my calling: perhaps I should be working for the government.
*Today marks the end of the SHAKING tour on the GCC, so we thank all the Cyber Girlfriends who blogged about us this week and point you to the sites of today's bloggers:
Natalie Collins
Jennifer O'Connell
Lara Zeisis
Mindy Friddle
Deborah LeBlanc
and MJ Rose, where Renee has written all about our backstory!
I purchased the HT700X 7 sheet crosscut paper shredder.

And when the UPS man arrived with my little bundle of joy yesterday, I spent the rest of the afternoon in a blissful state of shreddom. I first started feeding my little shredder financial documents (i.e., BILL OVERDUE notices & Student Loan repayment stubs). For its second feeding, I thrashed through piles of rejected manuscripts. Feeding number three saw the demise of other people's work. It was beyond carthartic, it was, I'm telling you, addictive. (And, to that end slightly scary since despite the big sticker on the front of the machine showing a big red slash mark through a man feeding his tie into the blades, I was tempted by the image nonetheless.)
In fact I had so much fun shredding documents, it makes me think I've missed my calling: perhaps I should be working for the government.
*Today marks the end of the SHAKING tour on the GCC, so we thank all the Cyber Girlfriends who blogged about us this week and point you to the sites of today's bloggers:
Natalie Collins
Jennifer O'Connell
Lara Zeisis
Mindy Friddle
Deborah LeBlanc
and MJ Rose, where Renee has written all about our backstory!
I too, LOVE my shredder. The remains of junk mail are great packing material for kitchen goodies and other odd shaped breakables. On my last shredding binge I started pulling out the envelopes that you are supposed to respond in. I sealed them up (empty) and am mailing them back to CitiBank, FirstUSA, AmEx... All of them.
Ooh, good call! I hadn't even thought that there could be a use for the mangled remains I've made... OMG, I'm beginning to sound like a serial killer, aren't I?
Ik heb nooit een harde tijd vindend get rid of student loans plaatsen gehad.Best Wishes, Rikki get rid of student loans
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