Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Of Human Bondage

Today we point you to a great blog called The Black Table ( Why? Because a piece I wrote on the Hollywood Bail Bondsman appears in the lead position! Pretty cool, I have to say. And I'll be honest with the readers of this blog, I wrote that piece ages ago when I was still living in Hollywood, so it's even a bigger thrill to me that years later, the story has finally found a home outside my hard drive.
However, when you click on the link above (and please do!), here's what you'll find...
--Rachel Epstein 06.15.05
When the phone rings at 4:30 a.m., Francisco Rodriguez knows he's going to jail. Dressing and jumping into his blue Corvette, the Hollywood Bail Bondsman usually heads west on Sunset Blvd. to the men's prison facility on Wilcox Ave. This morning, however, he's traveling to the jail in Van Nuys where female prisoners are held. Rodriguez's been told that if he doesn't get there quickly, his client will be moved to County. And County jail ain't the place you want to be at five in the morning, especially if you're a Playboy playmate. MORE

Do we notice anything unusual about this? Aside from the fact that it's a killer first graph, I mean, and whoever that REALLY JEWISH girl, Rachel Epstein, is, she's to be commended?

Well, uh, for ROBIN, the blonde-haired blue-eyed lass who actually wrote the piece, it came as a bit of a surprise that some Jewy chick was plagiarizing her work...

But I don't think this mistake was made with any malice. Lil screw ups like this are made all the time, in fact I've been known to call people by the wrong name even in this here blog--so I'm sure the good folks at The Black Table will put my Christian name on the piece just as soon as they can. But the whole thing did make me laugh. I mean seriously, you'd think that I, as a member of the group that controls the media, really would have been able to nip this in the bud sooner!

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